Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Imagine you and your classmates have crash-landed on a desert island and the last grown-up survivor has died. Imagine all your
classmates have turned into crazed savages and you are the only one who wants peace and order. Well, that's what happens in the
book Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
It starts out when a group of school boys fleeing their home crash land on a deserted island. When Ralph, the leader, calls a meeting,
they decide to make rules up and split into different groups to do different tasks. All is going well until some of the boys claim to be
seeing a "beast". After that incident the rules start to dissolve and most of the boys stop following them, only caring about hunting and
finding the beast.
A few weeks later all of the boys have turned against Ralph and the few followers he has left. When Ralph and his followers try to
confont the savages, Ralph's followers are all killed by them and Ralph is left by himself on an island full of killers. Think you know all
you need to know about this book? Well, you're wrong. You still don't know how Ralph solves his huge problem, and you still don't
know what the Lord of the Flies is.
Book Review By : J. J. Charya
Visit the website at: http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/westms/jjc.html
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